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Terms and Public Offer
Company details:
Individual entrepreneur Kirill Seleznev
Legal address: Georgia, City Borjomi, Meskheti Str., N 31g, Office Space N3 Pastal code: 1200
TIN: RS-326123671
1. Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply in this document and in the relations arising or related to it:
1.1 "Internet resource" - a set of integrated software and hardware and information intended for publication on the Internet and displayed in text, graphic or sound formats. The Internet resource is available to Internet users through a domain name and a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - a unique electronic address that allows access to information and a hardware and software system;
1.2 "Administration" means persons who have the rights to administer the Site contained on the Internet under the domain name ;
1.3 "Ban" - temporary, full or partial restriction of access to the Service for the User for a certain or indefinite period by decision of the Site Administration;
1.4 "Internet page" - a page (HTML document) of an Internet resource;
1.5 "Informational materials" - any text, graphics, audio, video and mixed materials of an informational nature;
1.6 "Contractor" - a natural person, capable, being a user of the Internet, performing the duties of posting information materials of the Client in blogs, website pages and other Internet resources;
1.7 "Client" ("Customer") - an individual or legal entity that has placed one or more orders on the Service;
1.8 "Processing of personal data" - a list of actions with the personal data of the User who filled in the fields of online forms: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use , transfer (distribution, provision of access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of the personal data of the User who sent the request, transfer at the request of the court, including to third parties, in compliance with measures that ensure the protection of personal data from unauthorized access;
1.9 "Personal data" - any data specified by the User in the online forms of the Site (name, email address, phone number, etc.);
1.10 "User" - a person who has registered on the website and agreed to the terms of use of the site;
1.11 "Placing Information Materials" - technical placement of client information materials on Internet resources;
1.12 "Site" is a collection of texts, graphic elements, design, images, program code, photo and video materials and other results of intellectual activity of the Site Administration contained on the Internet under the domain name;
1.13 "Service" - a software and hardware complex managed by the Site Administration, designed to fulfill mutual obligations by the parties, contained on the Internet under the domain name
2. General provisions
2.1 This Agreement takes effect immediately after the User (Client) places and pays for an order on the Service.
2.2 The Site Administration may change the content of this offer agreement without notifying the user, and the new offer agreement comes into effect three days after its change.
2.3 The User agrees that the Site Administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User (Client) in connection with any possible or incurred losses or damages associated with any content of the site , registration of copyrights and information about such registration, goods or services available or obtained through external sites or resources or other contacts of the User (Client), which he entered using the information posted on the site or links to external resources.
2.4 The site administration is not liable to third parties for the content of information used in information materials posted by the Client, as well as for property, moral or any other damage caused as a result of use by third parties or by the User (Client) of the specified information.
2.5 The User (Client) guarantees that all the terms of the Agreement are clear to him, and the User accepts the terms without reservations and in full.
3. Procedure for the provision of services
3.1 Media parameters, start time, duration of placement, type and specifics of Information materials posted through the Service in social networks and payment for them, as well as other conditions regarding the placement of Information materials , are determined by the Client through the User Interface of the Service, within the limits set by the Service Administration.
3.2 The client gets access to the Internet resource and the statistical information posted on it using self-filled advertising campaign parameters and indicating his valid e-mail (e-mail).
3.3 After paying for the order, the User is not entitled to refuse to provide services, the payment made is not returned to the User.
3.4 Services are considered rendered properly and in full, if within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the date of payment for services by the Client, a reasoned and justified refusal to accept the service is not sent to the address of the Service, but only provided that the Service has not started the service.
3.5 The amount of the refund to the Client on the balance on the Service in case of refusal to use the Service can only be provided that the service has not started and no measures have been taken to start its implementation.
3.6 The Service and the Site Administration are not responsible for violation of the terms of the offer agreement if such violation is caused by force majeure circumstances, including: changes in the operation of social networks, actions of public authorities, fire, flood , earthquake, other acts of God, lack of electricity and / or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to the above, that may affect the Service's performance of the terms of this public offer and are beyond the control of the Service.
3.7 Service and Site Administration reserve the right to reject any material or order without explanation.
3.8 The Service and the Site Administration are not responsible for writing off, blocking, deleting and any other actions with the Client's advertising materials. Refunds are not made.
3.9 The fact of providing the Services under this Offer is considered a one-time achievement of the ordered number of subscribers/views/likes/friends/reposts//video/channel/photo/post or any other informational material posted by the Client. All results are recorded exclusively by counters in social networks.
3.10 During the execution of an order, the use of any third-party services and methods of attracting an audience, views and any other activity is prohibited, due to the fact that most services are based on the internal statistics of the group / video / page when calculating the number of executions /channel/post.
3.11 Refunds on orders are made only to the user's balance on the website.
3.12 There are no refunds from the user's balance on the website.
3.13 Funds on the user's balance can be used and spent only on the services of the service.
3.14 The date of payment is the date of receipt of funds to the Contractor's electronic account.
3.15 Funds received to pay for orders or replenish the balance are not subject to return and dispute.
3.16 The Service and the Site Administration do not bear or give any guarantees for the absence of sanctions or other measures to the Client's materials from the administration of third-party resources.
3.17 The Service and the Site Administration are not responsible for the non-compliance of the service provided with the Client's expectations and / or for his subjective assessment, such a discrepancy with the expectations and / or negative subjective assessment are not grounds to consider the services provided of poor quality, or not in the agreed scope.
3.18 Any information used in the Service is intended solely for personal non-commercial use. At the same time, any copying of the information of the Service, including using automatic and other software tools for obtaining access to data, its reproduction, processing, distribution, bringing to public knowledge (publication) on the Internet, any use in the media and / or in commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the Site Administration is prohibited.
3.19 The Site Administration does not guarantee the compliance of the Service with the goals and expectations of the User, the safety of the data submitted and placed by the User in the Service, the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the Service as a whole and its individual functionality, in particular. The Site Administration has the right to completely or partially change the functionality provided by the Service at any time.
4. Rights and obligations of the Service
4.1 The Service and the Site Administration undertake to place advertising materials of the client, according to the conditions established by the procedure for the provision of services.
4.2 The Service and the Site Administration undertake to carry out the full scope of work in accordance with the established parameters of the advertising campaign as part of the procedure for the provision of services.
4.3 The Service and the Site Administration undertake to provide the Client with minimal information about the progress of the advertising campaign using all the necessary information filled in by the Client for the provision of services (e-mail, link to advertising material) and only upon personal request Client.
4.4 The Service and the Site Administration undertake, within no more than thirty working days from the date of acceptance of the offer, to provide services to the Client in accordance with his order, unless another deadline is specified in the order.
4.5 The Service and the Site Administration undertake to return the funds paid by the Client in case of complete impossibility to provide services due to the fault of the Service or the Site Administration, but not earlier than 1 month after the payment and only on a personal the Client's balance on the resource (only for Clients registered on the Service website). Otherwise, no refund will be made.
4.6 The Service and the Site Administration have the right to change the limits of ad parameters that the Client can set when creating orders without warning the user.
4.7 The Service and the Site Administration have the right, without warning the user, to complete an order in a larger volume than was indicated during registration and payment.
4.8 The Service and the Site Administration have the right to delay the execution of orders, but not more than 1 month, without a refund.
4.9 The Service and the Site Administration have the right to demand from the Client timely and full payment for the services provided in accordance with this Agreement.
4.10 The Service and the Site Administration have the right to send informational letters from the Service to the Client by e-mail.
4.11 The Site Administration has the right to use materials from the feeds of affiliated groups (public pages).
4.12 To fulfill its obligations under this Offer, the Service has the right to involve third parties.
4.13 The Service and the Site Administration are not responsible for the loss or theft of the login and password from the account on the Service and (or) in social networks, as well as other resources where the User has left his data.
4.14 The Service and / or the Site Administration provides only estimated data on the timing of orders, they are not a public offer and may be different depending on various circumstances, including the number of orders in the Service or the volume orders.
4.15 The Service and the Site Administration have the right to issue a Ban to the Client, disable the User's (Client's) account and (or) completely refuse service to the Client, block or suspend the Client's access to the Service for any period without the possibility of recovery and return of funds, exclude the fulfillment by the Service of any obligations to the Client, if the Client used in his messages (requests) threats, blackmail, profanity, created the same type of requests, messages that have already been answered or showed other disrespect to the Administration of the Service or Service support operators.
4.16 The Service and the Site Administration have the right to issue a Ban to the Client, disable the User's (Client's) account and (or) completely refuse service to the Client, block or suspend the Client's access to the Service for any period without the possibility of recovery and return of funds, exclude the fulfillment by the Service of any obligations to the Client, in case of violation by the Client of one or more conditions (clauses) of this Agreement.
4.17 The Service and the Site Administration do not bear any responsibility for the content of orders and any materials, pages of the User (Client).
4.18 When ordering an output to the top (trends), no result is guaranteed in the form of getting into (top) social trends. networks or staying in them for any time. There are no guarantees that videos will appear in the top (trends) of social networks, because now it depends on many and various factors (for example, competition in the top). Please note that the service does not carry any guarantees, including the promotion of materials in the tops and any other sections of third-party resources, the use of various privileges and promotions by the social networks themselves.
4.19 All information posted on the Internet pages of the Service, including all data on the quality and availability of services, the speed of their implementation, and other data is not a public offer. These are approximate, estimated data based on the subjective opinion of the Site Administration, which in reality may be different depending on various circumstances, including the principles and algorithms of social networks. The only public offer of the Service is located at the Internet address .
4.20 The Service is not responsible for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Service and / or damage caused to the User and / or third parties as a result of any use, non-use or inability to use the Service or its individual functions, including due to possible errors or failures in the Service.
4.21 The Site Administration is not obliged to moderate, view, edit files and links placed by Users within the Service, control over them, and cannot guarantee that files placed by the User within the Service do not violate the provisions of these Conditions, legal acts, other documents. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Site Administration is not obliged to view data of any kind posted and / or distributed through the Service. The User acknowledges and agrees that he must independently assess all the risks associated with the use of data posted on the Service, including an assessment of the reliability, completeness, security, legality or usefulness of this data.
4.22 The Site Administration is not responsible for any types of losses resulting from the use or inability to use the Service or its individual parts/functions by the User, including due to possible errors or malfunctions.< /div>
4.23 The Site Administration reserves the right, at its discretion, to restrict the User's access to the Service (or to certain functions of the Service, if technologically possible) using his account or completely block the User's account, in including in case of violation of these conditions, or apply other measures to the User in order to comply with the requirements of the law or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.
4.24 The Site Administration reserves the right to establish any rules, limits and restrictions (technical, legal, organizational or otherwise) on the use of the Service, and may change them at its own discretion, without prior notice to the User. These rules, limits and restrictions may be different for different categories of Users.
4.25 The Site Administration takes all reasonable measures and appropriate actions aimed at ensuring the safety of the User's data in the Service and maintaining the Service's performance. At the same time, the User is aware of the possibility of technical malfunctions and failures in the operation of the Service and agrees that the Site Administration does not have the technical ability to predict their occurrence, notify the User of them in advance, or completely eliminate the possibility of their occurrence. The occurrence of such malfunctions or failures, regardless of the causes and consequences, cannot be the basis for applying liability measures to the Site Administration.
5. Rights and obligations of the Client
5.1 The Client undertakes to timely and fully pay for the services provided by the Service in accordance with this Agreement. Provide for placement on the Internet resources of third parties Information materials that meet the requirements of the Agreement and annexes to the Agreement.
5.2 The Client undertakes to provide for posting on the Internet resources of third parties Information materials belonging to him on the right of ownership or other right determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.3 The Client undertakes, within three days, at the request of the Service Administration, to provide a written confirmation of the rights to the placed Information Materials.
5.4 If the Client posts information about goods or services for which there are rules and restrictions, then he is obliged to have all the necessary permits, licenses or certificates and provide copies of them within three days of at the request of the Service Administration.
5.5 The Client undertakes to independently maintain the full availability of the advertised materials indicated in the tasks created through the service interface in all countries where there is access to the Internet. If the advertised material has restrictions for display to third parties or for display in certain countries, or has an age restriction or has other restrictions of a different nature, no refund will be made, and the service is considered to be completed in full.
5.6 The Client undertakes not to create orders containing links to sites that violate the laws of the Russian Federation; any material protected by copyright or any other proprietary right; any other sites that may be recognized as inadmissible by the Administration of the Service.
5.7 The client does not have the right to force, through threats, blackmail or extortion, to demand a transfer or refund of funds that were spent on any services and functions of the service.
5.8 The client does not have the right to force, through threats, blackmail or extortion, to demand more work than in the order created through the service interface.
5.9 The client consents to the storage, processing and transfer, including transfer to third parties, of any personal data, as well as data about his orders.
5.10 The Client undertakes not to create more than one order for the same information material without making sure that the previous order for the same information material has been fully completed.
5.11 The Client has no right to use stolen or fraudulently (or otherwise illegally) obtained bank cards and Internet wallets of any payment systems to pay for the Services, replenish the balance on the Service and perform any other operations, directly or indirectly related to the Service.
5.12 The user is not entitled to transfer his rights and / or obligations to third parties for compensation or free of charge.
5.13 The User independently determines how to use the Service and is responsible for its use. The User is responsible for the compliance of the content of any file (and/or link) placed by the User with the requirements of the current legislation, including international law, including liability to third parties in cases where the placement of a file (and/or link) by the User violates the rights and legitimate interests third parties.
5.14 The User is aware and agrees that he must independently assess all the risks associated with the use, processing, storage of information posted/received/sent in the Service, including the assessment of reliability, completeness, security , legality or usefulness of this data.15. The User independently determines the procedure and purposes of using the Service and is responsible for such use. The User is obliged to refrain from using the Service for illegal purposes, in order to promote / promote / increase statistical and other indicators / receive / send / place information that violates the requirements of the law, including international law, as well as affecting the rights and interests of any third parties.
5.15 The User is solely responsible, including liability to third parties, for actions performed by him using the functions of the Service, as well as for the compliance of the content of any information advertised/promoted/received/sent using the Service , the requirements of the current legislation.
5.16 The User acknowledges that the Site Administration makes sufficient efforts to ensure that the services you receive correspond to their descriptions given in the Service catalog. At the same time, the Site Administration brings to your attention that in fact, the services may differ from their descriptions.
6. Processing of personal data
6.1 By joining this Agreement and leaving his data on the Site, (hereinafter referred to as the Site), by filling in the fields of online application forms, the User: - confirms that all the data specified by him belongs to personally to him, - confirms and acknowledges that he carefully read this Agreement in full and the conditions for processing by the Site Administration of his personal data indicated by him in the fields of online applications, the text of the agreement and the conditions for processing personal data are clear to him; - gives consent to the processing by the Site Administration of the personal data provided as part of the information in order to conclude this Agreement between him and the Site Administration, as well as its subsequent execution; - agrees with the terms of processing personal data without reservations and restrictions, namely with the performance by the Site Administration of the actions provided for in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data", and confirms that, by giving such consent, he acts freely, according to his will and in his own interests.
6.2 The Site Administration uses the User's personal data for: — processing of personal data that is necessary to provide and provide services to the User; – creation, analysis and monitoring of the client base; – informing the User about contests and promotions; — sending news of the Site to the User; – informing the User about new products and services; — informing about promotions and special offers; — User notifications about various events.
6.3 The Site Administration has the right to process personal data by entering them into electronic databases, including them in lists (registers) and internal reporting forms. The processing of personal data can be either automated or without the use of automation tools.
6.4 By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User also agrees to receive information and (or) advertising mailings by phone (in the format of SMS messages) and / or by e-mail from the Site Administration.</div >
6.5 The User, agreeing to this Agreement, gives his/her unconditional consent to the Service for the processing of his personal data, including through the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, carried out using the means automation, including in information and telecommunication networks.
7. Support
7.1 Correspondence in the Support Service on the website, mail and social networks and services providing information or technical assistance, including user requests, answers from the Support Service, any other messages, information, documents used in correspondence (hereinafter referred to as Correspondence), contain confidential information intended for a specific User and communicated to the User solely as part of the technical or information support of services. The use of the Correspondence, as well as the implementation of any actions based on this Correspondence, is allowed strictly only for the purpose of resolving the technical issues contained in the request.
7.2 The use of Correspondence for other purposes than those mentioned above, as well as its copying, publication in whole or in part, transmission, distribution or other public placement of the content of the Correspondence in any way is prohibited, except as expressly provided the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Unauthorized use of the Correspondence may be prosecuted.
7.3 All information provided by managers, operators of the Service or the Site Administration through social networks, instant messengers or by correspondence on the Site, including all data on the quality and availability of services, the speed of their implementation and other data is not a public offer. These are approximate, estimated data based on the subjective opinion of managers, operators or the Site Administration, which in reality may be different depending on various circumstances, including the principles and algorithms of social networks. The only public offer of the Service is located at the Internet address .